October 24, 2023


        Hello readers! 

     I'm Jagruti Vala and I'm a student of English department, MKBU.

    In this blog, I want to share some thoughtfully questions and answers about the play  The rover by Aphra Behn.
Assigned by Megha ma'am
   Here is a brief introduction about the Author Aphra Behn:


  Aphra Behn (1640-1689) was an English playwright, poet, and novelist, best known for being one of the first English women to earn a living through her writing. Her life is a blend of fact and fiction, and many details remain uncertain.

     Behn was born in Kent, England, and little is known about her early years. She became a spy for King Charles II during the Second Anglo-Dutch War, which exposed her to intrigue and espionage. Her experiences as a spy would later influence her literary works.

    Aphra Behn's plays, including "The Rover," were popular during her time and challenged societal norms. She was a pioneer for female writers, breaking through gender barriers in a male-dominated literary world.

  Here some questions and answers about the play The Rover.

  1. Angelica considers the financial negotiation that one makes before marrying a perspective bride the same as prostitution.Do you agree?


  No, I don't agree.

   Financial negotiations before marriage, such as discussing before marriage agreement or financial planning, are legal and consensual arrangements.

   Prostitution involves the exchange of money for sexual services, which is a different context and usually illegal in many places.

  2. " All women together ought to let flowers fall upon the tomb of Aphra behn, for it was she who earned them to the right to speak their mind".- virginia woolf said so in "A room of one's own"  do you agree with this statement? Justifying your answer  with reference to your reading of the play The Rover:


     Virginia Woolf's statement in "A Room of One's Own" recognizes Aphra Behn as a trailblazer for women's rights to express themselves.

   Aphra Behn was a pioneering female playwright in a male-dominated literary world. 

    I agree with this statement as it highlights the importance of acknowledging women who paved the way for female writers.

     In reference to Aphra Behn's play "The Rover," it's worth noting that this work challenged societal norms of its time by portraying strong, independent female characters who asserted their desires and ambitions.

    In the context of Woolf's statement, "The Rover" can be seen as an example of Aphra Behn's contribution to women's right to express their thoughts and desires in literature.

    Behn's work pushed boundaries and demonstrated that women, too, could have a voice in a world dominated by men.

    So, I agree with Virginia Woolf's statement, and "The Rover" is one of the many examples of Aphra Behn's contribution to women's literary freedom.

 3. Which female character best represents the playwright, Aphra Behn?  Consider the characteristics and beliefs of each female character,and make  an arguments related that distinctive attributes to what you know about behn?


    In Aphra Behn's play "The Rover," the character Florinda best represents the playwright. Florinda is a complex character who embodies many of the traits and beliefs associated with Aphra Behn.

  Challenging societal norms:

    Florinda defies the societal expectations of her time by refusing to marry against her will. Behn, too, was a trailblazer who challenged conventions by entering the male-dominated world of playwriting.

  Strong-willed and independent: 

   Florinda is determined to choose her own path in life, particularly in matters of love and marriage. This independence mirrors Behn's own defiance of traditional gender roles as a pioneering female playwright.


  Florinda's pursuit of love and autonomy parallels Behn's own struggle for financial independence as a female writer in a patriarchal society.

    These characteristics and beliefs make Florinda a fitting character to represent Aphra Behn in "The Rover," reflecting Behn's own independent spirit and her contributions to the empowerment of women in literature and society.


  Helena is one of the main female characters. She possesses several key characteristics are given below:

  Helena's character  role in the play's explore the themes related to love, desire, gender roles, and personal freedom.


 Helena is an independence character by taking matters into her own hands, dressing as a man to escape her brother pedro's  control, and making choices that challenge traditional gender roles.

     Romantic character:

    Helena is a romantic character who falls in love with Belvile, one of the male protagonists in the play. 

  Her pursuit of love and her desire for a genuine romantic connection are central to her character.

   Feminist law voice: 

   Helena's character reflects some early feminist themes, as she challenges gender norms and fights for her  romantic choices.

    Clever character: 

   She uses her intelligence and resourcefulness to navigate the challenges she faces, including disguising herself and avoiding unwanted advances.


    Valeria's character is  the explore of themes related to desire, power, and the agency of women in  society in "The Rover." Her boldness and determination make her a compelling character in the play.

   Valeria's witness:

  She possesses a quick wit and charm, which she uses to her advantage when engaging with the male characters  Fredrick in the play.

    Symbol of Female Agency:

 Valeria represents a character who is not bound by societal norms and expectations.

   She uses her agency to navigate the world of the play on her terms.

 Confident character: 

  Valeria is a confident and assertive character. She openly expresses her desires and is not afraid to pursue what she wants.


    Angelica a central and compelling character in "The Rover," the explore the themes  like gender, love, and societal norms in the 17th century.

     Will power:

    Angelica is will power to pursue her desires and is not easily swayed by others' opinions or societal concern.

   Romantic Ambitions: 

   She has romantic ambitions and desires, which lead to her involvement in various romantic conflicts throughout the play.

    Intelligente character:

   Angelica is portrayed as witty and intelligent, often engaging in sharp and clever dialogues with other characters in the play.


  Her character explore the themes  love, desire, and gender roles in the 17th century.

    Lucetta is a witty and clever character in the play.

    She is known for her sharp tongue and quick wit, which she uses to  outsmart the male characters.

   Lucetta is also depicted as a confident and independent woman, unafraid to challenge societal norms. 

  Thank you for visiting..😇

  Be learner..☘️🌷

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The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde.

    Hello readers!      I'm Jagruti Vala and I'm a student of English Department,MKBU.   This blog is a part of Thinking activity.  ...