September 12, 2023


Renaissance and Neo-Classical in one image

   "Renaissance and Neo-Classical in one image".

       Renaissance,as we heard this,we think about 'Revival' . Rebirth of art and learning. Renaissance is essential time period of english literature. For this time as we know,
 "That man,so long blinded,had suddenly opened his eyes and seen." 

         Neo-Classical age is also important age for english literature.This  age is also known as Age of Augustan. This age has it's different characteristics.

       Let's try to differentiate characteristics of Renaissance and Neo-Classical age.
     Renaissance is age of Enthusiasm.were
Society was looking for mental and social peace.apart frome this Neo-Classical age was Age of logic or Reason. This single
is able to know us that how deferent these both are.

    Renaissance is a period when Drama was on highly famous.we have many dramatist such as Shakespeare, Marlow,
Thomas midelton,John webster.who gave number of great drama.all the drama were center of society's entertainment.
      In other hand Neo-Classical age is not that much interested in drama and theatre.
This period is famous for logical writing, satirical and didactic satirical Alexander pop's Dunciad and Jonathan swift's gulliver's travels is prime example.
  One more characteristics of Renaissance
Is that this era's literature was society friendly or we can say related with all the people of society. 

  When Neo-Classical era has lack of passion and emotions in literature. This era is about literature of intelligence.

  Renaissance period was flourish in villages  and rural life . The literature of this age is can be relat with common folk.

  Neo-Classical age's literature has limited outlook like coffee houses and drawing rooms.they turned from human nature frome original nature.

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