October 15, 2023


        Hello readers!

      I'm Jagruti Vala and I'm a student of English department, MKBU.

   This blog is a part of thinking activity.

    In this blog I want to share some thoughtfully questions and answers about the novel A Tale of a Tub.

Assigned by Vaidehi ma'am 

   Here is a brief introduction about the Author Jonathan Swift: 


     Born:- November 30, 1667
                 Dublin, Ireland

    Died:- October 19, 1745
            Aged:- 77
            Dublin, Ireland 

     Pen name:-  Isaac Bickerstaff


   Writer, poet, political,  pamphleteer, priest


     Modern English



    • Jonathan Swift was an Anglo Irish Author who is widely regarded as the prose satirist in the English language.

•  He wrote essays, poetry, novels and also pamphlets as well as.

•  He was published some works anonymously like " Isaac Bickerstaff".

• He was noted for his ironic style in writing.

• He was an Author, journalist, novelist and political activist also.

• He was the best known for his satirical novel" Gulliver's Travels".

• And he also known for his satirical essay " A modest proposal".

• This essay is based on the Irish famine.

•When he was 72 years old, many disease began to keep him from his life.

 • Swift died in oct, 1745.

• where he has worked as a Dean, there he was buried in st.petriek's cathedral.

 • Jonathan Swift was a great friend of pope , he was best known for " The rape of the lock".


   The first thing in the novel that is about a tittle " A Tale of a tub" it's like puzzle.

   The introduction of the novel shows that it is the novel about seaman or sailors.

  When they meet a big fish like whale, they throw out an empty Tu to divert the fish from attacking their ship.

    • Ship represents the English government and its religion structure.

  • Whale is a symbol of new ideas.

  The big fish is towards thrown out it's, represents Thomas Hobbes " Leviathan".

   Swift's purpose is to distract Hobbes and other critics of church they picking their weak points.

   A tale of a tub was published anonymously in 1704, it was written as early as 1696, regarded as his best work.

     A tale of a tub is religious allegory, perhaps suggested of Bunyan.

   In the novel, A father is speaking to his three sons before his death.

           Jack and 

   They three sons got the three coats in the inheritance but the main condition is no alterations in the coats.

     The father:- God

     Coat:- shows Traditions

     Three sons:- Three Christian branches or                                western branches

     Peter:- Roman catholic

    Jack:- Anglican Church

    Martin:- Protestant.


     1. How far do you think Digression is            necessary?


       Digression is useful in communication and it is provided double purpose about the specific points and related situations.

    Digression can divert the main topic confused readers and make communication too lengthy.

    In education area, some digression may be useful about understanding in story.

    Some people concerned about his exam, it's okay to take a break for mind diverte and do whatever like.

    Digression is a tool for creating heavy and complex story.

    In the novel, A Tale of a tubby Jonathan Swift digression is used for understanding the complex narrative method, plot and deep satirical meanings

    Digression is clarify the historical and cultural context.

    Digression making humour, satire and social commentary also in the novel.

   It is engaged readers in the story.

    In this novel, The balance of digression is the most important while novel is more complicated to understand.

   It is provide clarity about the topic and engaged readers with the story.

   It is helpful to convey the massage effectively in the novel. 


  2.Identify any one movie/web series/song/poem/novel which talks about the sensitive topic like religion. Write in brief about it and explain what kind questions are raised through that work.


     Here is a one poem that addressing the sensitive topic like religion is THE SECOND COMING BY WILLIAM BUTLER Yeats.

     In Hindu myth,

     जब जब धरती पर पाप बढ़ेगा,
    तब तब किसीना किसी रूप में आता रहूंगा।
   While  in Christianity myth in the Bibal,

    Jesus will born again in the earth for  to destroy sin and also lawlessness.

  In this poem, The second coming  years tells us about the  sin and lawlessness spread in Ireland.

  The violance has crossed it's limits and  it is insufferable for people.

   Here poet wants to says that the situation is out of control in Ireland.

  So the poet has a belief that the second embodiment or incarnation of God gave this earth from sin.

  Now we can imagine that the second incarnation of God gave liberation from sin.

  When sins are  on its top than god comes on the earth to gave mankind.

   He says that God would appear in the earth very soon.

   The poet has a strong belief that a special miracle is about to happen very soon.

  The poet imagine that the second incarnation of God would have a strong shape.

    It would have a head of human and a body of lion  who would appear in first at desert.

  His shine would be insufferable like the sun.

  The poet gives the name a huge body of  the combination of human and lion.

    He sees everywhere sin and lawlessness , he was very angry now.

    At the end it seems that the poet is influenced  by Hindu myth because  the incarnation of God  " Narasimha"  resembles with the imagination of the poem.

    The god Jesus Christ took birth on the earth to save mankind  like that the second incarnation  of God also would appear on the earth to save mankind.
     Thank you for visiting..😊

     Be learner..🌷☘️

    Work cited:-

  YouTube video,
            Howard, James. "The Second Coming." LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 8 May 2019. Web. 15 Oct 2023.

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    Hello readers!      I'm Jagruti Vala and I'm a student of English Department,MKBU.   This blog is a part of Thinking activity.  ...